The Trust and its services
When recruiting to our flexible workforce we go out to advert on
the first Friday of each calendar month, however this may vary
depending on the need of the Trust.
All of our adverts are published on both NHS jobs and our Trust
vacancies page here.
Depending on the volumes of applications received we may close
our adverts earlier than the original advertised closing date. Once
the advert has closed you will be contacted within one week to
advice whether you have been successful. If you have not been
contacted within two weeks of the closing date it may mean that you
were unsuccessful on this occasion.
We carry out both face to face and assessment centre style
interviews during the recruitment selection process, of which
you'll be advised of in your official inter-view confirmation. We
endeavour to give candidates feedback on the day but this will vary
on a case by case basis.
For more details on how to apply and what is involved in the
recruitment process, please contact our Bank Recruitment Manager