Location - About us
Transition will start while you are in the children's diabetes service. This may be in Bristol Royal Hospital for Children or somewhere nearer to where you live (Southmead Hospital, South Bristol Hospital or Weston). When you transfer to an adult service you may be seen at a young adult clinic in the Bristol Royal Infirmary, Southmead Hospital or Weston or your care might be transferred to a hospital near your university town or to your GP.
The children's and adult teams try to meet to talk about young people coming to clinics, we discuss treatments, medication, your plans for future education or employment and any concerns that you have. The children's diabetes team also put together a detailed summary of all your medical information which is passed on to the adult team when you transfer.
Not every young person seen in the Diabetes service at Bristol Royal Hospital for Children will transfer to the Bristol Royal Infirmary service. This usually happens when choices for university or work are not local. You can talk to the team about this and the same information and links can be made with another service more local to where you are going.
You may also be transferring from another children's service to the Bristol Adult service. Your team will be in contact with the Adult team and a similar process will happen.
Young Adult Clinics will run in a very similar way to your clinic appointments with your paediatric team. Once a year we will complete your annual review, however we will make this part of one of your clinic appointments. We will make sure we explain this to you and you will have the opportunity to ask questions.
When you see the doctor or nurse they will talk to you about how you feel, review your HbA1C, blood sugar levels, weight, and any other tests and then make a treatment plan with you. You can also ask any questions you might have for them.
There are likely to be some small differences between your paediatric team and the adult team. However there are many similarities and the both teams will support you as you change. One difference is that the adult team will direct questions towards you, rather than your parent/carer. We understand that your parents/carers may still be involved in actively supporting you in managing your condition and appointments but you will be able to decide how much you want them to be involved. You will also find that letters are addressed to you rather than your parents/carer. Over time, we find that young adults become more confident and independent. We can support you in this alongside your parents/carers.
You might find that, like many other young people with Diabetes, you feel well and don't think that you need to attend clinics. However, it is really important for you to attend to allow the team to help you to monitor your condition and make changes to your insulin regime where necessary.
If you need advice you can contact your paediatric diabetes nurse on: 0117 342 8559 or 0117 342 8572 (working hours only) or ring Bristol Royal Hospital for Children on 0117 927 6998 and ask to speak to the on call paediatric registrar.
You can also contact the Diabetes Nurse Specialists at the Adult service at Bristol Royal Infirmary on 0117 342 2892