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Transition was good. Everyone was friendly, helpful and caring

Cystic Fibrosis


If you have any questions about moving from children's to adult services you can ask any member of the team including your consultants, nurse specialists, psychologists, physiotherapists, dieticians and pharmacists. You can contact the paediatric team on 0117 3428191 and the adult team at the BRI on 01173422880.

You might have parents or carers that help support you and who you find are more worried than you about transferring to adult services. This is partly normal, you are growing up and becoming more independent and this is a change for them. If they are worried you might find it can help to talk to them and explain what support you still need and where you want to be more independent. You could direct them to the Cystic Fibrosis Trust peer support service if they would find it helpful to talk to other parents or carers.

There are psychologists and social workers that work with the children's and adult team and who can also offer you support throughout transition and as a patient in the adult services. You may have already met them if you have been seen in Bristol Royal Hospital for Children.

The psychologist for the Cystic Fibrosis team can be contacted on 0117 3428168 or the social worker on 07786622647.

The Cystic Fibrosis Trust website can be found here and has lots of information about living with Cystic Fibrosis, including information about education, work and fertility. You can access support through their confidential helpline on 0203 7952176 too. You can also find out more about opportunities and events for young people here including their Youth Advisory Group.

Having a health condition such as Cystic Fibrosis can also mean there are additional costs, the Bristol based Cystic Fibrosis Comfort Fund can help provide support in this practical way.