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Transition was good. Everyone was friendly, helpful and caring



We are all here to support you. Sometimes you might find that you need support in coping with the burn injury or someone to answer any questions you have. All the members of the children's and adults burns teams, including your doctor, nurse specialist, clinical psychologist, physiotherapist and occupational therapist can help answer questions and concerns which you may have.

If you are under the Children's burns team you can contact them on 0117 342 7910. If you have moved to adult service then the adult teams can be contacted on the following numbers:

  • 24 hour Burns Unit helpline: 0117 4143100/02  
  • The Adult Burns Outpatient Department: 0117 4148717
  • The Scar Management Team: 0117 4143114

There are clinical psychologists in both the children's and adult burns teams and they are there to support you. You can contact them on the above numbers. Some of what they may be able to help you with might include:

  • Experiencing distressing memories of the injury
  • Difficulties in adjusting to the effects of the burn
  • Worries about scarring and appearance
  • Distressing or upsetting treatment
  • Difficulties in coping with changes in appearance
  • Worries about going back to school or work

Alongside the children's and adult burns teams there are different organisations and charities that can provide information and support. These include:

  • Hello again has information and resources to help in moving from a children's to an adults' burns service alongside stories from other young people.
  • If you are under 18 the 'Frenchay After Burns Children's Club' (FAB) provides support through a variety of fun activities, day trips and camps. They are based in Bristol but open to young people throughout the South West. You can find out more here. There is also a group for over 18's called YABA who can be contacted here.
  • The Children's Burns Trust provides information and support for children, young people and families following a burn injury. You can find them here.
  • Dan's Fund is an adult support charity and can help with advice and sign posting and all aspects of support following a burn injury.
  • Changing Faces is a national charity providing support for any disfiguring conditions including burns.
  • The Katie Piper Foundation also provides practical and emotional support for adult burn survivors.
  • Supporting Children with Burns   has been developed for parents but has links and resources that you might find helpful.

The aim of all these groups and charities is to support anyone who has had a burn injury to reach their full potential in life and to help people to develop a sense of well-being and success, provide help, advice, and opportunities to meet with others who have experienced a similar injury.