Impact of research
Why do we do research in the NHS?
Research helps the NHS and UH Bristol to meet their primary
objective, to improve patient care. The research we undertake helps
to answer important questions about which methods of diagnosis and
treatments have the most beneficial outcomes for patients, in terms
of curing, controlling or preventing disease. Patient involvement
in clinical research is vital, and public involvement is much
needed and greatly appreciated. New and better treatments for many
diseases would not have been possible without research, and the
participation of patients and their families. Research is the only
way we can continue to improve prevention and treatment of diseases
and patient care.
Below are some examples of the impact of research undertaken at
UHBristol, in collaboration with our partner universities:
University of Bristol and University of the West of England.
Patient feedback
"I hope that by helping with this project many thousands of
people will eventually have their opportunity to benefit from the
pioneering work being carried out in Bristol and other centres
across the country"
- Robert Copeland, UH Bristol trial participant
Read more about patients' experiences of taking part and getting
involved in research here.
Disseminating research
In order for research to make a difference we have to tell
people about it; ways of dissemination include not just research
publications, but presentations at professional society meetings,
professional networks, changing NICE guidelines, telling relevant
charities and feeding back results to participants.
The National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) insists that
all of its research grants produce a final report that is published on their website. This means that
even negative findings are publicised, and increase the public's
trust in research findings.