Impact of feedback from Real-time,
electronic symptom monitoring on post-discharge recOvery after
Surgery for oEsophago-gastric cancer: a multi-centre randomised
controlled trial (the ROSE
Chief Investigator
Funding Stream
Grant Ref
Dr Kerry Avery
University Hospitals Bristol and Weston NHS Foundation
01/12/2022 -30/11/2025 (36 months)
NIHR Research for Patient Benefit
Aim To find out if patients recovering at home
from surgery for oesophago-gastric (food pipe or stomach) cancer
benefit from feedback from electronic (web-based) reporting and
monitoring of their symptoms. Background Around 13,500 people in
England and Wales are diagnosed with oesophago-gastric cancer each
year, of which around 5,000 (40%) have major surgery. Patients stay
in hospital for around 1-2 weeks after surgery. Even when well
enough to continue their recovery at home, patients may still
experience surgery-related problems or feel unwell with symptoms
such as pain or tiredness. There is growing evidence from patients
undergoing other treatments (such as chemotherapy) that electronic
(web-based) reporting of symptoms can improve patients wellbeing
because it provides a way to provide patients and their healthcare
team with feedback about how best to manage symptoms. However, this
has not been studied in patients undergoing surgery for cancer.
Design and methods We will invite 206 patients having surgery for
oesophago-gastric cancer at six NHS hospitals in England to take
part. Patients will be randomly placed in one of two groups.
Patients in the web-based monitoring and feedback group will be
asked to report their symptoms using the web-based system while
continuing to receive their usual clinical care. Depending on the
seriousness of reported symptoms, the system will immediately
provide feedback about self-care, advise them to contact their
healthcare team, or send an automatic alert to their healthcare
team. Patients in the usual care group will receive their usual
clinical care but will not use the web-based system to report
symptoms or receive feedback. Patients will complete questionnaires
during the study, including before their surgery, when ready for
discharge home and at several timepoints up to four weeks after
going home from hospital. We will use the questionnaire answers to
see if patients in the web-based monitoring and feedback group have
a better recovery from their surgery than those in the usual care
group. We will also look at whether the web-based system is good
value for money for the NHS. Patient and public involvement We have
worked closely with patients and members of the public to develop
the study and draft this application, including choosing the
questionnaires and deciding how many times patients will complete
them. We will continue to work with patients and members of the
public during the study, for example asking them what information
should be included on participant study information leaflets.
Communicating study findings We will share our study findings with
the NHS and by publishing in scientific journals and presenting at
scientific meetings. We will work with patient groups and
professional organisations to make sure our findings are shared
widely and explained in ways that everyone can
Further Information