Study development:Four strands of patient and public involvement
have been central to the proposal's development:
1. We consulted the GWASExternal Reference Group(ERG) to
determine whether service users were likely to be amenable to
verbal agreement to answer questions relating to fracture risk
following a fall. All 5 ERG members thought the proposed study
process was ethical and reasonable. Of the study as a whole, they
wrote: "what an excellent idea....", "prevention is more cost
effective in the long term".
The ERG were concerned the intervention would produce more work
for GPs. This prompted a dialogue with GPs and a subsequent change
in study design so that the Research Assistant (nurse specialist)
calculates fracture risk and translates it into clear advice for
the GP.
2. We presented the proposal to annual general meetings of 2
branches of theNational Osteoporosis Society(NOS) and sent the
draft proposal to members who expressed an interest in
participation. As a result of their comments we have changed the
application to improve its readability.
3. We sent the draft proposal to the NOS headquarters. The
National Policy Officer made suggestions to improve clarity and
accuracy and confirmed support from the charity should this funding
application be successful.
4. We held a "Falls Forum", attended by seven members of the
public (and carers), with direct experience of falling. Everyone at
the forum would be willing to consider participation in the study
as presented, and also felt they would be able to give meaningful
answers to all except for one FRAX® question if asked by ambulance
paramedics. The forum thought the question about rheumatoid
arthritis confusing. The study team will exclude this question and
determine rheumatoid status later from participants' GPs.
Ongoing Involvement:
Collaboration: The study team will work in close collaboration
with patient/public partners who will be invited to form a Patient
Advisory Group (PAG) that will meet at six month intervals and also
contribute two representatives to the project steering group.
Prior to the study's start, PAG involvement will be important in
the development of study materials for submission to the ethics
committee, with particular reference to readability and
As the study progresses, PAG partners will work alongside the
rest of the team to help ensure the study reaches its
Costs: Costs are included for patient/public involvement in line
with INVOLVE's guidance.