A single-blind, phase IV UK multi-centre
randomised controlled trial to determine reactogenicity and
immunogenicity of COVID-19 vaccines administered concomitantly with
seasonal influenza vaccines
Lead Investigator(s)
Funding Stream
Grant Ref
Dr Rajeka Lazarus
University of Bristol
01/04/2021 -31/03/2025 (19 + 30
NIHR Policy Research Programme
Mass vaccination against COVID-19 started in the UK
in early December 2020 and is likely to continue until mid-2021.
Whilst rates of COVID-19 infection have decreased, the emergence of
variants of interest and planned easing of lockdown measures has
led to predictions of potential resurgence of infection from autumn
2021. The duration of protection of the current COVID-19 vaccines
is unknown but it may be that further booster doses will be
required in 9 to 12 months time with current or potentially
strain-modified vaccines to afford continued protection into the
autumn. The timing of the booster doses is likely to coincide with
seasonal influenza vaccination, which is usually September to
February. Delivering COVID-19 and influenza vaccines at separate
appointments will cause significant logistical challenges therefore
it would be desirable to immunise with both vaccines at the same
appointment, in different arms. The ComFluCOV trial will determine
the safety, as well as the immune responses, to administration of
the currently approved COVID-19 vaccines at the same time as the
recommended influenza vaccines from the 2020/21 season.
Participants who are having their second COVID-19 vaccine will be
randomised into two groups; one group will receive the influenza
vaccine and the other group will receive saline (placebo) at the
same time as the COVID-19 vaccine. Participants will not know
whether they receive the influenza vaccine or the placebo. After 3
weeks participants who received the influenza vaccine will receive
the saline injection and participants who received the saline
injection will receive the influenza vaccine. Participants will be
followed up for a further 3 weeks after the second injection. We
hope to recruit 504 participants into the trial. The trial will be
conducted in at least 5 UK NHS centres. The trial is expected to
take about 6 months to complete.
Further Information