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University Hospitals Bristol Research & Innovation Showcase 2017

Thank you to everyone who joined us at our Research Showcase on Tuesday 31st October 2017, and particular thanks to our speakers who kindly shared their experiences of the challenges of working in clinical research, and tips for dealing with these.  This was a fantastic event attended by delegates from a wide range of backgrounds.  If you would like to let us know about your experience of the day, please contact us - any feedback and suggestions for next year are very welcome.

To view the full list of speakers and presentations, click here  for the event programme.

Some of the presentations from the day are available below:

What people said about the event:

 "…really enjoyed all of the talks [in the session I attended]…and being able to see potential for cross theme collaborations. Great organisation"

 "…thank you for a very informative meeting"

 "Thank you for organising a great day…... It was great to hear about the various studies and how Above & Beyond funding has helped to get some of them started"

 "…really interesting day, really enjoyed it."

2017 research showcase photos

Previous Research Day - click here to read more about the 2016 event