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Good News

UH Bristol Women's and Children's Research Unit recruited the first patient to international research study

Professor A Ramanan and the Women's and Children's Division Research Unit have successfully recruited the first global participant just one day after the study opened at UH Bristol into a research study coordinated by Navigant Research. The study will recruit caregivers of patients with Systemic Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis to learn more about their perspective on the burden that SJIA present and resource utilisation.

For more information on the trial please see contact


Bristol Eye Hospital have recruited the first patient in the EU into the PROXIMA A study

Clare Bailey and the team at the Clinical Research Unit at Bristol Eye Hospital have successfully recruited the first patient in the EU into the PROXIMA A study. This is a commercial prospective epidemiologic study, sponsored by F. Hoffmann-La Roche Ltd. The main purpose of this study is to generate a better understanding of the variability and dynamic range of visual function tests over time and how these changes correlate with changes in geographic atrophy (GA) area in patients with GA secondary to age related macular degeneration (AMD).

More details can be found here -


UH Bristol Women's and Children's Research Unit recruited the only UK paediatric patient to a trial

The Women's and Children's Division Research Unit - Oncology & Haematology, participated in the phase I Nilotinib study where they recruited the first Global Paediatric patient and, in fact, the only paediatric patient in the UK.  They also participated in the phase II trial.  The unit has just been informed that their site recruited the only UK paediatric patient to the trial.  This study is now closed to accrual and remains in follow up.

For more information on the trial please see or contact

First ever patient recruited to the MAGPIE study

The Children's Emergency Department team have recruited the first ever patient to the MAGPIE study.  The study is being run at 8 sites across the UK and Ireland, and Bristol is the first site to recruit.    

The team rely heavily on clinical support in CED for the success of their emergency studies.  Staff nurses Mel Hurse & Hannah Spires and PEM Consultant Giles Haythornthwaite were instrumental in the recruitment of this first patient.  Without their support this recruitment would not have been possible.

There has been an amazing effort made by the whole CED nursing and medical team on completing their Good Clinical Practice (GCP) training.  Research has always been well supported in CED however this study has required the active randomisation and handling of an IMP by clinical staff, for which they all needed GCP training.  This is not part of their essential training matrix but they have all made such a huge effort to complete the module and obtain their certificates, helping Bristol CED to be a leader in paediatric emergency research, and improving the emergency care of children

Congratulations to the CED research and clinical teams on this fantastic achievement.