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Restorative dentistry

What we do

Restorative Dentistry at the University of Bristol Dental Hospital provides specialist care and advice in the rehabilitation of oral function and dento-facial appearance. Priority patient groups which are treated include those recovering from oral cancer, those born with very few teeth or have oral defects (e.g. cleft palate) and those subject to significant trauma.

Restorative Dentistry excels in teaching undergraduate and postgraduate dental professionals in partnership with Bristol Dental School, and is also an internationally recognised centre for cutting-edge research. Proportionally, more of Bristol Dental School's undergraduates proceed to formal postgraduate training and education than any other UK Dental School, which confirms one of the aims of producing dentists equipped for life-long learning. Bristol Dental School was also rated as the top Dental School in the UK in the 2009 and 2010 National Student Survey.

Our specialisms

  • Treatment of congenital oral/dental defects
  • Oral rehabilitation of head and neck cancer patients
  • Oral rehabilitation for multi-disciplinary trauma
  • Teaching dental professionals
  • Clinical Research


  • General Restorative dentistry treatment planning
  • Periodontal disease treatment planning
  • Endodontic treatment planning
  • Oncology MDT
  • Craniofacial MDT
  • Orthodontic-Restorative Clinic

Conditions we treat

Cleft lip and palate: a condition resulting in a localised failure of the lip, palate and dental tissues to develop. Reconstruction of the dental tissues after cleft surgery and orthodontics.

Congenitally missing teeth (Hypodontia): a condition in which some or all of the teeth and supporting tissues fail to develop and grow. Reconstruction will often require a combined orthodontic and restorative treatment approach.

Dental and facial trauma: reconstruction of the oral and dental tissues following loss through significant accidental injury. Reconstruction may require a combined maxillofacial surgery, orthodontic and restorative treatment approach.

Endodontic (root canal) problems: Specialist advice and treatment planning if out-with the scope of general dental practice, including tooth root surgery. Please note we cannot offer endodontic re-treatment but can offer advice and treatment planning guidance.

Head and neck cancer: reconstruction of the oral and dental tissues after cancer surgery and radiotherapy.

Missing and broken down teeth: where specialist advice or treatment planning is required to restore appearance and function.

Oro-facial pain: a range of conditions resulting in discomfort in the dental or jaw tissues. Investigation, diagnosis and treatment.

Periodontal (Gum) disease: a range of diseases of the gum and bone supporting the teeth. Diagnosis, advice and provision of treatment for susceptible individuals that fall within the Tier 2/3 categories of Restorative Care.

Tooth wear: damage to the teeth caused by tooth grinding, acid erosion or other causes. Where specialist advice or treatment planning is required to restore appearance and function.

Treatments we offer

Patients may be referred by their dentist for advice and treatment planning, using the standardised form available online. Referrals direct from patients will not usually be accepted unless there is an accompanying letter of referral from a dental practitioner.

Specialist Prosthodontic, Periodontic, Endodontic and Operative Dentistry treatment may be provided for priority patient groups. These include developmental defects, head and neck oncology and severe head and neck trauma.

In addition, even for priority groups, funding for complex high cost procedures is limited and is usually dependent upon prior approval from NHS England. This includes tooth replacement involving the use of dental implants for patients falling into exceptional funding groups.

Changes to the student-led treatment service

Bristol Dental School is moving to 1 Trinity Quay, Avon Street, Bristol, BS2 0PT in Summer 2023. We are no longer accepting volunteer patients for student-led restorative treatment at Bristol Dental Hospital. More information will be available on how to volunteer for assessment for suitability at the new site on Bristol Dental School's website in Spring 2023.