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Other services

Oral Health Promotion

The Oral Health Promotion Team is not currently accepting requests for advice or training. 

Regretfully, we are unable to provide oral health education to schools. There are many good quality resources available via the internet which can be used to develop sessions or assemblies for school-age children.



The PCDS is commissioned to conduct epidemiological survey work for the local authorities of Bristol, South Gloucestershire, North Somerset and Bath and North East Somerset. Most years we visit primary schools to examine children's teeth as part of the National Dental Epidemiology Programme. Some years we also take part in the national Child or Adult Dental Health Surveys.  All of these survey results are published, and they often generate headlines in the national press.  In the last survey of 5 year olds (2024), Bristol came in at better than the national average for dental decay (17.8% of 5 year olds had some experience of decay, compared to 22.4% for England as a whole), but this number is slightly worse than in previous years. Click here for further details. Other recent surveys have been of 3 year olds (2020), which was curtailed due to the Covid-19 pandemic, and Year 6 children (2022-23), which was published in 2024. 

In the year 2024-25 we are participating in the National Dental Epidemiology Programme and examining older adults in care homes.


Page last reviewed: September 2023