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After Surgery

Immediately after surgery

Hospital Stay - Bed

When you wake up in the recovery room and feel very sleepy and a little sick.  You may already be experiencing a some pain.  You will be wearing an oxygen mask on to help you breathe.  The cannula will still be in the back of your hand and the medicines you need will be given through it.  

You'll be greeted by the recovery nurses and then reviewed by surgeons before being moved to a larger second recovery room or being transferred up to the ward.  A family member or partner can usually come and visit you in the recovery room. 




On the Ward and at Discharge

Hospital Stay - Ward Entrance

Following the operation, you will most likely go to the Head and Neck Ward to rest.  The nursing staff will monitor you regularly and help you take your medication.  Your face will not be that swollen to start. Most people having a single jaw surgery will stay one night.  People having both jaws operated on will stay 2 nights but people have been known to stay a few more.  Typically you will be on ward A700, where visiting times are between 14:00- 20:00.  We ask that there are no more than 2 visitors per patient and that children should be over the age of 11.  If you need to make alternative arrangements speak to the Nurse in Charge.  When you are discharged the nurses will give you medication to take away with you, such as painkillers.

Typical Medication and What they do?

DEXAMETHASONE - A steroid which reduces your swelling

CO-AMOXICLAV - An anti-biotic which prevents infection

ODANSETRON - Anti-sickness




Recovery at Home

It is advisable to have a family member, partner or friend to take you home.  They will need to supervise you for the next few hours whilst you settle in. 

You must rest. 

A soft liquid diet is needed for a minimum of 2 weeks before you can gradually introduce firmer foods.  You can have your regular favourite meals, just put the items in a blender individually for a few seconds.  This way you can still taste the separate flavours   It is best not to lie flat and to sleep as upright as possible to help the swelling go down.

Diet after Jaw Surgery   A leaftlet created by the UHBristol Dietitian Team with advice, recipies and meal plans for you to follow following surgery 


You will need 2-3 weeks off work or school.  It is worth getting a sick note signed by the surgeon prior to your surgery.  Sometime during the first week you will have a review appointment with the orthodontist.   They will change your elastic bands and assess your healing. If you need another week off they will also write you an extension for your sick note.