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Support from friends, family and partners

Support from family, partners and friends is very important during your orthognathic treatment.  They may help you

  • Think through your treatment decisions
  • Travel to appointments
  • Taking you home after surgery
  • Caring for you at home after surgery including doing food shopping, and helping you get changed
  • Helping administer your post-operative medication


Visiting You In Hospital

Relatives and friends can come and visit you on the ward in the Bristol Royal Infirmary.

You will typically be on ward A700 where visiting times are between 08:00- 21:00. 

We ask that there are no more than 2 visitors per patient and that children should be over the age of 11. If you need to make alternative arrangements speak to the Nurse in Charge. 



 If you are a parent and having treatment

It is important to arrange childcare following surgery as you will need to take care of yourself, and should rest to aid a speedy recovery.  It may be sensible if young children stay with relatives for the first few days following surgery as the post-operative swelling subsides as it can be upsetting for them to see you looking so different when you are swollen.