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Frequently asked questions

Is there an alternative?

 The first alternative is not having anything done.  Orthognathic treatment is rarely essential and when offered to patients, is entirely optional.  The second alternative is to have braces alone.  This may not fully correct your bite but for some patients they are happy to accept this result.  You are more likely to need teeth taken out if you decide not to have surgery. 

I think my child may need jaw surgery?  What do I do?

If you or your child think you or thy would benefit from corrective jaw surgery, the best person to see first of all is your dentist.  They can refer you/them to a specialist orthodontist for an initial assessment or to one of the orthodontic consultants at the Bristol Dental Hospital.  Alternatively, their GP or other doctor (e.g. respiratory consultant for cases such as sleep apnoea) can refer you. 

Too young? Too Old?  From what age can I have corrective jaw treatment?

Orthognathic treatment is only suitable once the jaws have stopped growing.  This varies from person to person and is different for males and females.  For this reason the orthodontic treatment to get ready for the surgery can start around the following ages

  • Females    15 - 16 years and older
  • Males       17 - 18 years and older

The reason for this is simple.  If the jaws and teeth are moved to a correct position and then further growth occurs,  the finished result will be lost and it is not appropriate to have the orthodontics and surgery again. 

Provided you are generally fit and well there is not generally an upper age limit.  However bone becomes brittle and therefore older patients are more prone to complications and infections.

Why do I need braces before and after surgery?

 Braces help to straighten the teeth and are necessary to get them meeting together correctly after the jaws have been surgically repositioned.

Can I have white or clear braces/aligners instead of metal train tracks?

 This is not currently available on the National Health Service.  

How long will I need off work?

Typically, 2-3 weeks.  If you have a physically demanding job it may be more.  Your surgeon will provide you with a sick note to give to your employer if needed.

Will I lose weight after surgery?

This is very likely so it helps to put some weight on beforehand.  See the dietitian's advice leaflet on what to eat after surgery.

When can I have visitors in hospital?

Relatives and friends can come see you when you're on the ward the evening after your surgery.  See the Support from Friends and Family page

After surgery how long before the braces come off?

Typically the braces are on for a further 6-9 months after surgery to provide stability and help the bone heal correctly.  This can vary dependent on the individual case.

I am an asthmatic.  Can I use my inhalers after I have had surgery?

Yes.  Bring your inhalers with you to hospital.  You may not be able to use them straight after surgery due to the swelling but a spacer device can be used to help you inhale without having to use your mouth and lips.