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Hearing levels

Hearing loss can range in severity from a mild hearing loss, which may cause a child to only miss out on a few sounds around them, to a more significant hearing loss, which may cause a child to be completely unable to hear. Hearing results are plotted on a special graph called anaudiogram.


An audiogram shows the softest sounds a person can hear at different pitches or frequencies.

The degree of hearing loss may be classified as:

MILD (25-40 dB)Your child may have difficulties hearing speech in noisy environments or when you are not directly facing them


hearing image arrow

MODERATE (40-70 dB)Your child may have difficulties following speech and other relatively quiet noises


SEVERE (70-90 dB)Your child may have difficulties hearing speech in quiet surroundings and will not hear general noises unless they are loud


PROFOUND (90 + dB)Your child is unable to hear most sounds unless they are really loud