There are many different causes of hearing loss such as:
meningitis, hearing loss associated with a symdrome, genetic and
glue ear.
Hearing loss originates from issues associated with different
parts of the ear.

Conductive Hearing Loss (CHL)
This occurs when sound cannot pass from the outer ear to the
inner ear. This may be due to excessive earwax; a damaged eardrum;
an ear infection or a blockage in the middle ear (as occurs in glue
ear) or it may be due to problems with the structure of the outer
or middle ear. In a purely conductive hearing loss, the inner ear
(sensory organ of hearing known as the cochlea) functions normally.
A CHL may be medically treatable. Where this isn't possible or
effective, hearing aids are often very helpful.
Sensorineural Hearing Loss (SNHL)
A sensorineural hearing loss (SNHL) is where the hair cells in
the inner ear or the hearing nerve is damaged and either does not
respond typically to sound or is unable to pass some/all (depending
on the severity) of the sound information to the brain. This can
result in a reduction of loudness and a lack of clarity. This type
of hearing loss is usually permanent and cannot be corrected with
medicine or surgery. Hearing aids and other listening devices are
often beneficial.
Mixed Hearing Loss (MHL)
This is a combination of conductive and sensorineural hearing