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Children's interactive website
Visit our interactive website designed for young patients between the ages of 8-12. You'll find lots of information about what happens at the Bristol Royal Hospital for Children, and some fun activities too.
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National Deaf Children's Society (NDCS)
The National Deaf Children's Society provides support, information and advice for deaf children, young people and their families.
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The Family Centre (Deaf Children)
The Family Centre (Deaf Children) is a small local charity supporting over 190 families that have a deaf child or deaf parent.
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Newborn hearing screening

The Avon Newborn Hearing Screening Programme is based at the Children's Hearing Centre, St Michael's Hospital in Bristol. It forms part of the UK NHS hearing screening programme offered to all families.

This screening booklet covers all the screening programmes in more depth.

Please see the pages below for further information and advice regarding the Avon Newborn Hearing Screening Programme.

Why screen my baby's hearing?

Screening locations and community clinics 

Checklist for hearing and speech and language development milestones 


Newborn Hearing Screening Programme local manager: Liz Hennessy

Newborn Hearing Screening Programme

Children's Hearing Centre, Level D,
St Michael's Hospital,

Telephone: 0117 342 1605/1606