Hearing aid(s) for Glue Ear
A hearing aid is an effective treatment for the hearing
impairment and will only be used for the time until the glue ear
clears away. This happens when the Eustachian tube widens, and the
drainage of the middle ear improves. Your child's hearing will be
monitored routinely, to check for any changes.
What is a behind the ear hearing aid?
This type of hearing aid is a small, wearable electronic device
designed to improve hearing by making some sounds louder and
improving speech clarity. The hearing aid sits behind the ear and
delivers amplified sound into the ear canal via a custom made
earmould. Your child's hearing aid(s) are selected and programmed
by an audiologist at the Children's Hearing Centre (CHC) according
to the hearing test results to suit the hearing loss for each ear.
Your child's hearing levels will continually be reassessed and
changes to the programming will be made as required. Hearing aid
features will be activated/selected specifically for your child
depending on their age and hearing loss. The hearing aid(s)
provided are high quality, digital hearing aids and are available
with earmoulds in a variety of colours and glitters.
Hearing aids are provided (on loan) free of charge to all children
on the NHS.
Download our guide for parents of children with glue ear here.