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What we do

What we do

All of the tests we do use ultrasound to obtain detailed images of your arteries and veins and the blood flow through them.  

The ultrasound scans are safe, non-invasive (that means no injections) and the only thing you feel is the pressure of the probe on your skin. The test does not involve radiation so it's safe for someone to come in with you if you like.

No special preparation is required prior to the scan and there are no side-effects after. However, please note you may be required to remove clothing to uncover your neck, leg, arm or tummy. If you would like a chaperone during your scan please ask at the reception desk on arrival.

Please take any medications as usual. If you wear a hearing-aid or have a pacemaker these will not be affected by the ultrasound scan.

Vascular Body

The main conditions we investigate are:

  • Stroke/TIA
  • Peripheral arterial disease
  • Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT)
  • Venous insufficiency/varicose veins
  • Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm (AAA)


The main ultrasound scans we do are:

Please click on the links below to open more information about each individual scan type
