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Occupational Therapy

What we do

Hand therapy, Older People's Service, Rheumatology.

Conditions we treat

  • Hand conditions, post-surgical rehabilitation, trauma injuries, management of chronic conditions.
  • Older People's Service - includes falls programme, stroke follow-up clinic, movement disorders, upper limb clinic, complex frail elderly assessment.
  • Rheumatology - support, rehabilitation and advice for newly diagnosed patients as well as people managing the chronic effects.

Our treatments

All our treatments will begin with an assessment to identify the current presenting condition and its impact on patients daily lives including employment activities. Other treatments include:-

  • in hand therapy -splinting, hand remobilisation, wound care/scar management.
  • In rheumatology - hand assessment and care including splinting, fatigue management, Activities of Daily Living advice.
  • In Older Peoples Service - assessment, rehabilitation programmes and access to equipment and information.

Contact us

Hand therapy - Fiona Powell or Sue Amos 0117 342 2379
Older Peoples Service - Georgina Simpson or Sarah Hurst on 0117 342 6134
Rheumatology - Claire Fallon on 0117 342 4115