How our team works
We strongly believe that our patients receive the best care when
we work together as a team. The organisation of our clinical team
reflects this. The team consists of doctors from a range of
specialties, including surgeons, anaesthetists, oncologists,
radiologists and pathologists, as well as nurses, dietitians,
physiotherapists and administrative staff. The core team members
are shown below.
Our approach means that our patients may be treated by any of
the team members. Therefore, if you are a patient, you may see
different doctors at different points in your journey. For example,
you may see Mr Barham in clinic, and may have surgery under the
care of Mr Titcomb. Organising our team this way allows us to make
sure that we provide 24/7 specialist care, and helps us to share
the workload within the team to minimise waiting times for
We can be contacted via our secretarial team on 0117 342
Mr Paul Wilkerson
I studied medicine at St George's Hospital and undertook my
surgical training in London. I have been a consultant upper GI
surgeon in Bristol since 2015, specialising in minimally invasive
and endoscopic treatments of oesophageal and gastric disease. As
well as providing upper GI cancer care, I am working to improve
care quality for Barrett's oesophagus (a condition that is linked
with an increased risk of developing oesophageal cancer). I am the
surgical lead for emergency laparotomy as part of a
multidisciplinary team working to improve quality of care for high
risk emergency surgery. I am also the Medical Information Officer
for the Division of Surgery, and am driven to integrate digital
change into how we deliver clinical care.
Ms Jenni Wheat
Having graduated in medicine from the University of Wales,
College of Medicine and Cardiff University, I completed my
specialist surgical training in Wales. During my training I
completed an MD in the health economics of oesophageal and gastric
cancer care through Cardiff University. After a few months as a
locum upper GI consultant at the University Hospital of Wales in
Cardiff, I undertook a fellowship at Addenbrookes Hospital
Cambridge. Here I focussed on oesophageal and gastric cancer
surgery, including minimally invasive oesophagectomy and endoscopic
management of Barrett's oesophagus and early oesophagogastric
In 2021 I was appointed as a consultant oesophagogastric surgeon
at the Bristol Royal Infirmary, University Hospitals of Bristol and
Weston, where my clinical practice includes general and emergency
surgery, and specialist upper GI benign and cancer surgery.
Mr Dan Titcomb
I graduated in medicine from the
University of Bristol and completed my specialist surgical training
in the South West region. I was awarded an Association of Upper GI
Surgeons travelling fellowship in 2009, to train in advanced
minimally invasive upper GI cancer surgery at the Cancer Institute
Hospital, Tokyo. I have also undertaken minimally invasive training
courses in Versailles and Gothenburg. I was appointed as a
Consultant Upper GI surgeon in Gloucestershire in 2009 before
taking up my Consultant post in Bristol in 2010. I have a special
interest in the management of dysplastic Barrett's oesophagus and
helped establish the endoscopic service for this condition after my
appointment. I also have a special interest in minimally invasive
oesophagogastric cancer surgery and have been international faculty
helping train colleagues to perform these surgical techniques in
both the United Kingdom and Europe.
Mr Sean Strong
I graduated in medicine from the University of Southampton and
undertook my specialist surgical training in the South West region.
During my training I completed a PhD at the Centre for Surgical
Research at the University of Bristol, which included a research
fellowship award from the Royal College of Surgeons of England. My
research interests have included maximising recruitment to trials
in surgical oncology. After completing my specialist training, I
undertook a fellowship at the Karolinska Institute in Stockholm.
This focused on minimally-invasive and robotic techniques for the
treatment of oesophago-gastric cancer.
Mr Ben Byrne
I graduated from Cambridge University in 2004, and undertook my
clinical training in both the Wessex and Severn regions. I gained
sub-specialist surgical training through a Royal College of
Surgeons Oesophago-Gastric Cancer Fellowship at St Thomas' Hospital
in London in 2019-20. Alongside my clinical training, I completed a
PhD at Imperial College London, using mixed methods to study the
performance of surgical units. I subsequently continued to conduct
surgical research at the University of Bristol examining the
relationship between clinical trials and usual practice. I started
working as a consultant in Bristol in 2020. My research profile is
here. I am also clinical governance lead for the GI and
endoscopy service at the Bristol Royal Infirmary.
Dr Stratis Alexandridis
I finished my training in Gastroenterology medical specialty at
the largest Cancer Insititute in Northern Greece focused on the
treatment of gastrointestinal neoplasia and continued my training
in interventional endoscopy in the Edinburgh Royal Infirmary. I
pursued additional training in Endoscopic Ultrasound (EUS) in
Amsterdam Medical Centre under the guidance of Professor Paul
Fockens, previous UEG president and pioneer of interventional
endoscopy. I also undertook further additional training in
Endosocpic Submucosal Dissection (ESD) and magnifying endoscopy in
Japan under the guidance of leading experts (Professors Toyonaga
and N Uedo for ESD, and Professor Y Sano for magnifying endoscopy)
in the University Hospital of Kobe and Osaka International Cancer
I have a special interest in diagnosis and surveillance of
Barrett's oesophagus with magnifying endoscopy as well as
interventional endoscopic treatment of early cancerous lesions of
the upper GI tract. I am currently the endoscopy training lead in
University Hospitals Bristol and Weston NHS Foundation Trust.
Clinical nurse specialists
You can contact one of our nurse specialists via:
- Telephone: 0117 342 3004
- Bleep: 0117 923 0000, bleep 2049
- Email:
We work office hours, Monday to Friday. It is usually easier to
reach us in the afternoons, as we are in clinic Monday, Wednesday,
Thursday and Friday mornings.
Mrs Ruth Harding
I am the lead Upper GI Nurse Specialist at UBHW and have been in
this role for 10 years since my relocation from the
north-west. I graduated from the University of Liverpool with
Bachelor of Nursing Degree (Hons) in 2000 and worked for 12 years
as a sister in general surgery and colorectal surgery, before
moving to the south-west to be closer to family.
I have developed and run a nurse led clinic service in Bristol,
caring for patients with oesophago-gastric and hepatobiliary
cancers. Our specialist nursing team have been involved in
leading many service improvements here including our
prehabilitation service.

Miss Carly Pillinger
I graduated in Adult Nursing from the University West of England
in 2009. I have 6 years experience working on the specialist Upper
GI surgical ward here at the Bristol Royal Infirmary. In 2015 I
took up the role of Upper GI CNS. As part of the specialist nursing
team we aim to support patients and improve patient care and
experience, whilst being involved in many service improvements
within the multi-disciplinary team.
Consultant Practitioner in Endoscopy
Miss Trudy Reed
I graduated in Adult Nursing from City University, London
in 1999 and worked as a Staff Nurse and Senior Staff Nurse in
Hepatology at UCLH for 5 years before moving to Bristol to take up
a post in Upper GI Surgery. I was the Upper GI Ward Sister at the
Bristol Royal Infirmary for 10 years, whilst completing a Masters
in Advanced Nursing Practice. In 2014 I became an Advanced Nurse
Practitioner in Upper GI surgery, responsible for managing the
Enhanced Recovery after Surgery Programme. In 2016 I took part in
Heath Education England's pilot Accelerated Non-Medical Endoscopy
training programme and have worked as an Endoscopist at UHBW since.
I help provide the diagnostic and therapeutic service across the
Bristol Royal Infirmary and South Bristol Community Hospital sites.
I have a special interest in Barrett's oesophagus (early changes in
the cells of the oesophagus, see information pages here) and help deliver the
Barrett's Oesophagus surveillance programme.
Mr Tom Lander

Mr Andy Boult
I have worked for the NHS since 2004 and have spent the last 8
years specialising in post-operative physiotherapy. I take great
satisfaction in my job and feel very grateful to be part of such a
fantastic team.
Mr Tom Lunn
Enhanced recovery nurse practitioner
Mrs Michelle Brack
I started my nursing career in Suffolk as a nursing assistant in
2002. I studied Adult Nursing at the University of West England,
graduating in February 2010. I worked as a Registered Nurse in
vascular, urology and thoracic surgery at the Bristol Royal
Infirmary and Royal Devon and Exeter hospitals. I have worked in
pre-operative assessment and surgical admissions as a senior staff
nurse for over six years, including mentoring students and
implementing video pre-operative assessments and the associated
electronic patient record. In my current post, I am an Enhanced
Recovery Nurse Practitioner, helping improve patient pathways and
accelerate recovery after surgery across several specialties
including oesopahgo-gastric surgery.
Dr Tom Bird
Dr Stephen Falk
Dr Helen Winter
We provide our surgical service working with a large team of
anaesthetists. For our major cancer operations, we most often
operate with the following anaesthetists.
Dr Ben Howes
Dr Kathryn Jackson
Dr Andrew McIndoe
Prof Mark Callaway
Dr Hedvig Karteszi
Dr Huw Roach
Dr David Wilson
Dr Alam Shah
Dr Sohie Beavers
Dr Behrang Moazayni
Dr Newton Wong
Mrs Karen Wilsdon. Telephone: 0117 342 4007
Ms Aimee Duncombe. Telephone: 0117 342
Upper GI Outpatient Clinic Coordinator. Telephone:
0117 342 7201
Management team
Performance and Operations Manager Josie Smith
Assistant Performance and Operations Clarice