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Symptom management

Managing your symptoms, concerns and information needs 

When to talk to someone

In light of patient feedback we have identified some common symptoms and concerns you may be experiencing or may  experience in the future, and some ideas about what or who can help.

I have problems with swallowing: food and/or liquid:

  • Try to maintain your fluid intake, and drink at least 6 cups/glasses each day of any liquid.
  • If this is difficult contact your Clinical Nurse Specialist (CNS).
  • Try and stick to a soft/liquid diet-avoid bread, pasta.
  • Discuss any problems with your CNS - information and recipe booklets are available.

I am losing weight:

  • Please ring or make an appointment to see your CNS or GP.
  • They may suggest trying some nutrition supplements or a referral to the dietitian. 

I am looking a bit yellow (jaundiced):

  • Please contact your CNS or GP. They will arrange a blood test.
  • Try to maintain your fluid intake, and drink at least 6 cups/glasses each day of any liquid.
  • Lotions, creams and ointments called emollients reduce itching by helping to 'oil' the skin to keep it supple and moist.   

I'm having a problem with pain:

  • Try and take regular pain killers.
  • Keep yourself warm.
  • Please ring or make an appointment to discuss this with your CNS or GP.   

I need more information about:

  • Treatment options.
  • Making a decision about treatment.
  • Possible side effects.
  • Ways to cope.
  • Ways to share your experience.
  • When treatment is finished.
  • And much, much more.

Ask your CNS to arrange a time to meet in person at the hospital or over the telephone to discuss your information needs. 

I need more support:

  • At home.
  • To understand what is happening.
  • To get through this treatment.
  • After treatment is finished.

Discuss with your CNS as soon as possible to discuss options for support.  You can also contact your GP who will discuss community support available.

Where can I find more information or support?