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A number of different tests can be performed to assess people who might have a GIST, to make the diagnosis and to make further assessments to plan treatment. Our cancer care is provided as part of a regional network. Patients may therefore have different tests in different hospitals. As far as possible, we will minimise the number of trips and travel distances required. However, we also need to make sure we gather the correct information from the different tests available to make the right treatment decision for each patient.

Upper GI endoscopy

One of the most common way GISTs are diagnosed is when a person is having an upper GI endoscopy (often referred to as an OGD) for other symptoms. This is a common procedure involving the insertion of a thin tube with a camera on the end through the mouth into the oesophagus, stomach and first bit of the small bowel called the duodenum. This test is important to look for a range of problems such as acid damage or an ulcer. It is a routine procedure, but as with any test there are benefits and risks, even though the risks are low. More information on this procedure, its benefits and risks are available  here.

Computed Tomography (CT)

Another common way GISTs are diagnosed is when a person has a CT scan. A GIST may be detected when someone is having a CT scan for other symptoms that are not related to the GIST. A CT scan is also an important part of assessing a GIST to check the size of the tumour and look for any evidence of spread. Having a CT scan involves lying down on a narrow bed which moves through an open ring, like a big doughnut. The scan itself usually takes a few minutes. It involves exposure to x-rays, a form of ionising radiation. Doctors always minimise the amount of radiation to which patients are exposed. For people with a GIST, the benefits of this test and the information it provides to plan treatment outweigh its risks.

Endoscopic Ultrasound (EUS)

Sometimes, patients require a more invasive form of scan called an Endocsopic UltraSound or EUS. This procedure is performed under sedation in the endoscopy department. A telescope with a very small ultrasound probe on the end is passed through the mouth into the oesophagus, stomach and /or duodenum to get close up pictures of the GIST. In addition to having a very close look at the GIST, this procedure can be also be used to take small samples (or biopsies) of the tumour to confirm that it is a GIST. It can take up to 2 weeks for any samples to be examined under a microscope and receive the result. As EUS is an invasive test, there are small risks associated with the procedure, which the team will explain to you if you are having this test.

Other tests

Occasionally, other tests are required. These may be required to look at specific areas identified by the above tests. For example, the scans may detect an abnormal area on the lower bowel. This may then mean that a telescope examination of the lower bowel is required to know exactly what is going on at the abnormal area. In addition, tests may be required to help assess fitness for treatments. These include tests to examine how well the heart or lungs are working, to know if a person is fit enough to have major surgery. Your doctor will explain any additional tests and why they may be needed.