Dysplastic Barrett's oesophagus is a condition when the cells of
'normal' Barrett's oesophagus develop further abnormal changes.
Sometimes these changes can be seen at endoscopy (see figures 1 and
2 below), but sometimes they are only found once small samples
(biopsies) are taken from the gullet. These changes are called
dysplasia and may be described as 'pre-cancerous'. Dysplasia may be
graded as low or high grade to describe the severity of the
changes. Dysplastic Barrett's oesophagus is not cancer. However,
the risk of developing cancer is higher than in 'normal' Barrett's.
Because the risk of cancer is higher, the team will try to remove
these abnormal cells using various treatments which are described
on the treatment page, here.
Information about 'normal' Barrett's oesophagus is available here.
Figure 1. Barrett's with abnormal dysplastic-looking area.
Source: UHBW NHS Foundation Trust.
Figure 2. Dysplastic-looking area marked. Source: UHBW NHS
Foundation Trust.
Barrett's oesophagus and dysplasia can be considered as a
spectrum of changes, as shown in the diagram below. Normally, the
oesophagus has hard wearing lining of squamous cells. Barrett's is
a change in the cells that increases the risk of developing
oesophageal cancer, compared to having a normal squamous lining.
When dysplasia is found, the risk of developing cancer increases
further, compared with Barrett's oesophagus. High grade dysplasia
has a higher chance of becoming cancer than low grade. These
changes can end in the development of cancer from Barrett's
oesophagus, with that particular type of cancer called
Figure 3. Images from endoscopy and microscopy ranging from
normal to oesophageal cancer. Reproduced with permission from the
Royal College of Physicians, from 'Targeting care in Barrett's
oesophagus', by S Zeki and R C Fitzgerald, in Clinical
Medicine (2014); 14(6):s78-83.
Like 'normal' Barrett's oesophagus, dysplastic Barrett's
oesophagus does not cause symptoms. One of the main factors causing
Barrett's oesophagus is the reflux of acid from the stomach into
the oesophagus. In some people, acid reflux does not cause
significant symptoms. In some people, however, reflux can cause a
burning sensation in the lower chest or upper abdomen, difficulty
swallowing, or the regurgitation of acid or food into the throat.
These symptoms are common in people with Barrett's oesophagus.
However, they are caused by the acid going back up into the
oesophagus, rather than the change in cells in the oesophagus.