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Frenchay After Burns Club (FAB)

The FAB Club is an independent fundraising charity whose aim is simple: to provide ongoing support to burn-injured children and their families from injury through to adulthood.

Each year more than 300 children from all across the South West region are admitted to Bristol Royal Hospital for Children's paediatric burns centre. A burn injury can be a traumatic and devastating experience, both physically and emotionally. Children may have to cope with life-changing injuries which may require frequent hospital admissions and operations throughout the childhood and beyond.

As the children and their families adapt to their new, altered body image, they may face challenges within peer groups, schools and the community. With the support of FAB, the children realise that their hopes and dreams are still the same as any other child, and are still just as achievable. With continued support, positive encouragement and determination, we hope to see their dreams realised. The charity supports children and their families from birth to 18 years.

What activities do they offer?

  • An annual Christmas Party, where families from across the region have the opportunity to get together and support each other
  • Family days out and special events
  • A 4-day Residential Camp at an Activity centre for the burn injured child
  • A weekend family camp to give the parents and siblings the chance to share experiences together
  • A week-long National residential camp where the children meet up with other Burns Clubs from across the country
  • Fundraising events
  • And much more!

The days out and the parties are for all members. The camps are for children aged from 8-18 years old who have suffered burn injuries.

What are Burns Camps?
Burns camps involve staying away from home for up to a week at an activity centre, where the children meet up with each other to talk and share experiences. This has proven to be very successful in improving their self-confidence and self-esteem following their injury. They also make new friends with children in a similar situation, but above all they have fun. Activities may include: Canoeing, cycling, high ropes, climbing, abseiling, archery, arts and crafts and raft building.

For more information about FAB, please visit