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Events and conferences

2018/19 Events

  • 11 - 13 April 2018 The British Burn Association (BBA) Annual Meeting, Swansea.
  • 26 April 2018Wounds Research Network (WReN) Scientific Meeting. Anna Davies: *Presentation Winner*
  • 4 May 2018 Health Services Research UK, London.
  • 12 - 14 June 2018 - Appearance Matters 8 Conference, Bath.
  • 29 September 2018- Burns Research Network Day, Bristol.
  • 18 October 2018 - The British Burns Association National Burns Awareness Day.
  • 28 October 2018- Canadian Burns Association Meeting, Toronto.
  • 8 May - 10May 2019 The British Burn Association (BBA) Annual Meeting, Pinderfields.

The Centre's contributions to the BBA annual meeting


The British Burn Association (BBA) Annual Meeting,Swansea.

Oral presentations

  • Annual Wallace lecture. Dr Amber Young.
  • What goals are used to guide resuscitation in children with burns. Dr Anna Davies.


  • Are outcomes affected by gender following a scald injury? Neave Kissane (medical student), Karen Coy and Dr Amber Young.
  • Fever Patterns and Post-burn Complications: A Three-year Study in a Regional Paediatric Burns Centre. Majid Al-Khalil, Abhivrath Yennu Nandan (medical students), Karen Coy, Dr Anna Davies and Dr Amber Young.*HIGHLY COMMENDED*
  • Predicting Children At Risk of Post-burn Re-presentation: The FINAL results of the MISTIC Study - a Multicentre Prospective Observational Cohort Study of 625 Pre-school Children with Burns of less than 10% TBSA. Dr Julia Sarginson.
  • Statistics - a "MISTIC" art: Salutary lessons learnt from handling 'big data' in burns research. Dr Julia Sarginson.
  • The Inflammatory Response to Small Burns in Young Children: The FINAL Results of the MISTIC study - a Multicentre Prospective Observational Cohort Study of 625 Pre-school Children with Burns of Less than 10% TBSA. Dr Julia Sarginson.
  • The psychological effects of burn itch in children and their families: an exploratory study. Dr Julia Cadogan and Karen Coy.


The British Burn Association (BBA) Annual Meeting,London.

Oral presentations

  • How do we swab? vs How should we swab? A literature review and practical analysis of swab technique at the Adult and Children's burn services in Bristol. Francesca Spickett-Jones, Ines Clement (Medical student), Dr Amber Young.


  • An introduction to the psychology of burn injuries Design and evaluation of an E-learning module. Dr Julia Cadogan and Shirin Pomeroy.
  • Challenges, learning and outcomes for obtaining questionnaires and interviews for recruitment to an NIHR feasibility study. The SILKIE study. Susan George, Sandra Mulligan, Francesca Spickett-Jones, Rosemary Greenwood, Linda Hollén and Dr Amber Young.
  • How can we improve the effectiveness of distraction in the paediatric burns service? Chloe Wilson (medical student), Dr Julia Cadogan.
  • Hyperspectral imaging in burn depth assessment. Jack Whiting (medical student), J. Jackman, Robin Thorn, Darren Reynolds, Linda Hollén and Dr Amber Young.
  • Patient views on medical photography. Akshi Kesharaju (medical student), Paula Brock, Dr Amber Young.
  • Views and experiences of Gypsy and Traveller mothers on burn and scald prevention. David Rea. *WINNER*


The British Burn Association (BBA) Annual Meeting,Newcastle.

Oral presentations

  • A Survey of Burn Wound Swab Technique: Why Method Matters. Francesca Spickett-Jones, Evan Ansell (medical student), Dr Amber Young.
  • Impact of reduced fluid resuscitation on hydration status in moderately sized paediatric scalds. Linda Hollén , Karen Coy, Dr Amber Young.


  • Neuropathic pain and itch after burn injury in children: A literature review. Charlotte Coekin (medical student), Karen Coy, Dr Amber Young.


The British Burn Association (BBA) Annual Meeting,Birmingham.

Oral presentations

  • Is the lack of a standardised care pathway resulting in national variations in the management and outcomes of paediatric small area scalds? Emily Kirkham (medical student), Alexander Trevatt, Karen Coy, Rosemary Greenwood, Bradley Allix, Dr Amber Young.
  • Procalcitonin - a biomarker for sepsis in moderate to major paediatric burns? Ryan Hughes (medial student), Linda Hollén, Karen Coy, Karen Marlow, Nicola Pullan, Julie Davies, Narges Dailami Sian Falder, Mamta Shah, Dr Amber Young.
  • Skin grafting and scarring in pre-school children the consequences of small area burns. Anupa Shah (medical student), Dr Amber Young.
  • The MISTIC Study- a prospective observational study of the systemic response to injury and outcomes of small burns in pre-school children. Dr Julia Sarginson.


  • Chaos Theory in Paediatric Burns. Eugene Curtin, Dr Julia Sarginson, Dr Amber Young.


The British Burn Association (BBA) Annual Meeting,Chelmsford.

Oral presentations

  • A systematic review of patient reported outcome measures currently used in child and adolescent burn care. Dr Catrin Griffiths.
  • BRIG:  Building the Burns Research Involvement Group; a novel approach to involving the public and patients in burns research. Martin Lewis.
  • Does using Biobrane® Increase the risk of toxic shock like illness in infants and toddlers with small to moderate burns? Dr Julia Sarginson.
  • Identifying more informative age ranges for the statistical representation of burn injury in pre-school children - the milestone-mechanism association. Dr Julia Sarginson.
  • The diagnostic dilemma in post-burn illness in young children: a systemic inflammatory response, sepsis or toxic shock syndrome? Are scoring systems a help, or a hindrance? Dr Julia Sarginson.


  • A Novel Approach to the Management of Facial Firework Tattooing using Serial Punch Biopsy. Dr Julia Sarginson.
  • A UK-wide survey into the use of prophylactic antibiotics for paediatric scald injuries. Sophie Boyd.
  • Development of a burn wound fluid exudate collection protocol. Karen Coy.


The British Burn Association (BBA) Annual Meeting,Liverpool.

Oral presentations

  • 22% burns from lightning injury in an 11 year old boy: a case report. Dr Julia Sarginson.
  • A UK wide survey into gastro-intestinal prophylaxis for patients with burns. Martha Jones (medical student), Dr Julia Sarginson.
  • Healing Foundation Children's Burns Research Centre. Dr Amber Young.
  • Helicopter transfers of children with burns. A life saving service, on an unnecessary risk? Dr Julia Sarginson.
  • Incidence of adverse events in general anaesthesia for children with small scalds undergoing the application of biosynthetic dressings. Dr Sarah Warwicker, Dr Amber Young.
  • Investigation to review if the current information provided to the general public regarding first aid treatment for burns and scalds in children is evidence based. Alice Varley (medical student), Dr Amber Young.
  • Microbiology of Burn Wound Infections. Karen Coy (on behalf of Sarah Shaw -medical student).
  • When do children get burnt? Dr Frances Verey, Dr Mark Lyttle, Dr Zoe Lawson, Dr Amber Young.


  • Do the parents of burnt children receive adequate information upon discharge following a burns injury to their child? Vijay Pattni, Andrew Parrish, Dr Amber Young.