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Being a patient on the ward

1.  Being a patient on the ward - most of our patients will stay either on our daycase unit (Meadow Ward) our inpatient surgical ward (Penguin Ward) - or if you are a bit older, our adolescent ward at the top of the hospital on level 7 (Apollo 35).  Sometimes if the hospital is very full and we have to use beds on other wards so don't worry if you are admitted somewhere else, we will know.

2. During your stay on our ward, one of your parents will be able to stay overnight with you.  During your stay, different things happen though out the day. Click here to see what you will be up to.

3. The physiotherapy department is where you may go to do some exercises to get stronger or move better. They have a lovely warm pool that they sometimes use for special exercises, this is called the hydrotherapy pool.

4. You may need some tests whilst you are in hospital.

Sometimes we need to arrange special scans or pictures to be taken.  If this is the case, you will go to our radiology department where the scans or pictures called X-rays are taken.  

5. If you are having an operation you will have been told when you had to stop eating and drinking from. It is very important to follow the instructions that you have been given so that we can go ahead with your surgery, especially if you are having a general anasthetic.  This is when you are given medicine so that you have special type of sleep whilst the operation or procedure is being performed.  You will visit the operating theatre suit and if you click here, you can find out all about it.

6. Don't worry there will be time to have fun and all the wards have playrooms and we have a great play centre on level 5 where you can go. Have a look around here.

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