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Specialist clinics that you may visit

We run several clinics where you may meet other Doctors, Physiotherapists or Allied Health Professionals and some are listed below:-


1. Combined Cerebral Palsy Clinics

This is run by a consultant orthopaedic surgeon and senior physiotherapist with an interest in cerebral palsy. They assess the ongoing and future management of patients with CP, from surgery to community support.

2. Skeletal Dysplasia Clinic
This clinic is run by a consultant orthopaedic surgeons, a consultant geneticist, consultant endocrinologist and a senior physiotherapist. It runs four times a year and is for the management of all the various types of skeletal dysplasia. We see both new and follow-up patients.

3. Developmental Dysplasia of the Hip (DDH) Clinic
This clinic is run by a consultant orthopaedic surgeon, consultant radiologist and senior physiotherapist. It is for patients under six months old with suspected DDH. Patients will have an examination and ultrasound of their hips. Pavlik harness treatment can be instigated and supervised if required. We see new and follow-up patients at this clinic.

4. Congenital Talipes Equinovarus (CTEV) Clinic
This clinic is run by a consultant orthopaedic surgeons and senior physiotherapists. The clinic is for the assessment and treatment of congenital foot deformities. The Ponseti method will be used if appropriate.

5. Upper Limb Clinic
This clinic is run by a consultant orthopaedic surgeon, occupational therapist, physiotherapist and consultant hand surgeon. This clinic is for patients with musculoskeletal disorders affecting the upper limb (ie Hemiplegic CP).

6. Gait Clinic
We carry out gait analysis at the University West of England Campus, where there are consultant orthopaedic surgeons, physiotherapists, orthotist, gait lab staff. We use static video and 3-D instruments to analyse a child's gait. This is used for diagnosis, planning future management and response to treatment.

7. Frame Clinic
This clinic is run by a consultant orthopaedic surgeons, physiotherapists and occupational therapists. It is held in the Bristol Royal Infirmary and is for patients undergoing correction of a deformity using the Ilizarov technique. We ask patients to attend the clinic so that we can monitor the progress of correction and alter/update frame prescription.

8. Botox Clinic

This is overseen by a consultant orthopaedic surgeon and with the specialist physiotherapist administering botulinum toxin to help with conditions causing muscle spasticity

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