My name is Kevin Mann, and
I'm the Bristol Children's Hospital Orthotist.
You probably won't have ever heard of an Orthotist, as there are
only 700 of us in the UK.
Our job is to work closely with various other medical
professionals to produce items that are fitted to your body to help
Either by -
reducing pain
Improving the way you function, normally in the way you walk.
Supporting growing structures
Protecting structures, after an operation.
Most of your grandparents will have known us as surgical fitters
or appliance fitters, but we've come along a little since then.
These devices can be fitted to any part of the body, so some
children come to me with foot pains, whilst others need spinal
braces, and almost everything in between.
At Bristol Children's Hospital the whole Orthopaedic team work
extremely closely, and some of you may see me in the physiotherapy
department, on level 7, or even on the wards, prior to you having
an operation. Or if you're seeing a Consultant, they may ask me to
come and give an opinion or discuss problems you may be having.
I try to see all those children that are being operated on prior
to the operation so that the whole family are aware of what will
occur. This normally takes place on ward 36 (day case unit).
Some of you may be referred to me directly by your GP.
I live on level 7, with all the other therapy team including
physiotherapists and Occupational therapists, so sometimes even if
you are seeing one of them I may be asked to assess you at the same