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Clinical nurse specialists

Our names are Sharon, Yvonne, Emily, and Emma and we are the specialist nurses for the children's orthopaedic team.  We work with all the orthopaedic consultants as well as the physiotherapists, occupational therapists, orthotists, ward nurses, plaster technicians, teachers and play therapists to try and make sure that your stay in hospital is the best it can be.

During your stay in hospital we visit the wards most days and are available for support and advice for children and families as well as nursing staff.

We can help with any questions you might have before or after your operation and can talk to other community services and schools to ensure they know about your surgery and can help you get better and return to school as soon as you are able. We are available on the end of the phone during office hours if you need any help or advice.

We are part of the children's "frame" team and take a key role in helping to prepare children and families for this type of surgery. We talk to schools and make sure they have a plan for children to get back to school after the frame is put on and make sure school understands any changed needs children may have on their return to school. We help families to learn how to manage the frame and we are available on the end of the phone during office hours for advice and support. When you are in hospital we will see you most days and when you go home we will also see you in the frame clinic as part of the team to see how you are doing and give any advice and support you need. We will support community nursing teams to help you with dressings if needed. We are there for your whole "journey" and will provide you with as much advice and support as needed.

You may also see Sharon in the children's fracture clinic as part of the team who will check on children's progress after they have broken their bones or injured themselves.