What does the orthotist do?
You probably won't have ever heard of an Orthotist, as
there are only 700 of them in the UK.
Their job is to work closely with various other
medical professionals to produce items that are fitted to your body
to help you:
- Manage pain
- Improve the way you function, normally in the way you
- Support growing
- Protect structures, after an operation
Most of your grandparents will have known us as surgical
fitters or appliance fitters, but we've come along a little since
These devices can be fitted to any part of the body, so
some children come with foot pains, whilst others need spinal
braces, and almost everything in between.
Where will you be seen?
Our orthotist lives on level 7, with all the other therapy
team including physiotherapists and Occupational Therapists but you
may be seen in a variety of settings in the hospital such
- In the physiotherapy department, on level 7
- On the wards, prior to you having an operation, normally ward
- In your consultant appointment
- During your therapy appointment with physios or OT's
Some of you may be referred to the orthotist by your GP,
consultant, physiotherapist or nurse.
When seeing the orthotist you may be asked to undress so
you can be assessed fully so it is a good idea to bring shorts and
a vest top with you.
Orthotist Contact:
- Kevin Mann - 0117 342 8525