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Before Selective Dorsal Rhizotomy (SDR) Surgery

You and your child will be asked to come to the Bristol Royal Hospital for Children one more time before the planned operation date.

On this occasion, one of our paediatric neurosurgical nurse practitioners will see your child and make sure that there are no medical problems that would need to be sorted before he or she is safe to have surgery and anaesthesia. You will also be seen by our orthotist, who will prepare the splints and orthoses required for the first few months after surgery, and our physiotherapists for a final baseline assessment.

You will be asked to attend the hospital at 07:30 on the morning of the operation, and you should expect your child to be in hospital for about 3 weeks. Your child will be asked not to have anything to eat or drink from midnight on the day of surgery. That morning, we will have an opportunity to discuss the surgery again with you and to answer any questions you may have. You will also meet your anaesthetic team, before accompanying your child to the anaesthetic room in theatre.

 (This information can also be found within the paediatric physiotherapy SDR webpages.)