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Treatments we offer

Solid Tumour and Neuro-oncology services


The Oncology multidisciplinary team oversees the diagnosis and treatment of all malignant solid tumours and certain rare, non-cancer conditions in children and adolescents up to age 16 years. We work closely with our Radiology, Surgical, Neurosurgical, Clinical Oncology, and POSCU colleagues as well as various Diagnostic and Laboratory (Paediatric and Adult Histopathology, Neuropathology, Genetics, Haematology, Biochemistry, Microbiology & Virology) services to provide comprehensive cancer treatment in Bristol and the South West.

There are regular multi-professional meetings held at the Children's Hospital, where various professionals from the team meet to discuss patient management and holistic family centred care.

In-patient chemotherapy treatment is delivered on Starlight and Apollo 35 wards and out-patient treatment on Ocean Day unit.  Admissions for treatment related side effects are mainly to the same wards, although occasionally children will require admission to other wards on the hospital whilst remaining under the care of the Oncology team.

Children with brain tumours are looked after together with the neurosurgical and neurology teams on Bluebell, Sunflower and Daisy ward and children have surgical treatment for solid tumours are looked after on Penguin ward.

Supportive care for side effects of treatment is provided alongside cancer therapy through joint working with other medical subspecialties (Cardiac, Endocrine, Respiratory, Renal, Intensive Care, Urology, Neurology, Immunology and Infectious disease) at the same site.

Immunotherapy, targeted therapy, and high-dose chemotherapy with peripheral blood stem cells rescue are also performed in the Unit for specific cancers. The latter is supported by the Apheresis Unit and Bone Marrow Transplant service, also on site.      

Children and adolescents requiring surgical resection of liver tumours and bone sarcomas as part of their cancer treatment, have their operations at surgical centres in Birmingham. In addition, patients with retinoblastoma are under the joint care of the Unit and the National Retinoblastoma services in Birmingham and London.  Other tumour surgery is performed here at the Children's Hospital.

Children up to 16 years with brain tumours have surgery here at Bristol Children's hospital and are supported by a comprehensive neuro-rehabilitation team including neuropsychology.

All cancer treatment decisions are made jointly at cancer MDT meetings involving oncologists, clinical oncologists (doctors who deliver radiotherapy), surgeons, radiologists and pathologists.

Each child will be allocated a lead oncologist and a key worker, usually a nurse specialist.

The unit participate in national and international trials of Paediatric cancer treatment and where possible children will be offered entry into a trial relevant to their cancer sub-type.

With an extensive team of health care professionals including play therapists, psychology, dieticians, physiotherapy, support workers, cancer pharmacists, nurses and nurse specialists we aim to provide specialist and age appropriate care to children with all cancers.


TYA Oncology


As principal treatment centre, the TYA cancer team in UHBristol oversees delivery of specialist cancer care along with holistic support to young people diagnosed with cancer between 16 and 24 years.

The team works closely with our colleagues in the Shared Care network (designated hospitals in the South West) to ensure that all young people are able, whenever possible and appropriate, to access treatment locally but also to have unhindered access of care at the PTC. We also ensure young people have access to the relevant and eligible clinical trials. Our aim is to provide specialist age-appropriate care and psychological, emotional, financial, practical, educational and social support to young people with cancer, their families and friends.




The South West Aftercare service is a clinical service dedicated to the care and support of teenagers and young adults who were treated for cancer or leukaemia (or certain related conditions) from the ages of 0-24 years. It aims to provide patients with information about their treatment and possible effects on their future health, through individualised assessment and recommendations for future monitoring. All aspects of health are reviewed and undertaken by professionals who specialise in this area of healthcare. The service also works closely with other medical specialists and co-ordinates care to address complex needs and consequences following cancer treatment.


Palliative care


We work closely with colleagues in Palliative Care services in the Children's Hospital and Bristol Haematology & Oncology Centre, Children's Hospice South West and other agencies to support children and young people and their familieswhose cancers can not be cured. This includes the provision of symptomatic control, end-of-life care, spiritual support, and bereavement follow-up.