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Treatments we offer


As a Primary Treatment Centre for Paediatric Cancers we offer treatment for all forms of childhood leukaemia and enter children into all available late phase (Phase 3) clinical trials for Leukaemia with appropriate parental consent.

Non-malignant/benign haematology

Bristol Haemophilia Centre:

The Bristol Haemophilia Centre is the designated Comprehensive Care Centre for all children with haemophilia across the South West of England. The Centre provides specialist care to adults and children with heritable bleeding disorders in this region and is currently increasing in clinical activity by 10% per year with an annual factor concentrate budget of £6M. The centre achieved formal designation as a Haemophilia Comprehensive Care centre following external audit by the UKHCDO in 2007 and in 2012 was commissioned to provide comprehensive care to all children with haemophilia in the South West region in a clinical network with local clinicians. The service provides care to over 150 children with heritable bleeding disorders including over 40 with severe phenotype disorders receiving prophylaxis regimes. The centre has full IT support including access to the Haemophilia Clinical Information system (HCIS).


Bristol Children's Hospital Sickle Cell and Thalassemia service is responsible for the care of patients with inherited haemoglobin disorders locally and throughout the South West region in collaboration with a number of shared care centres (69 sickle cell disease and 2 thalassaemia). We offer routine transcranial doppler screening for children with sickle cell disease who are at increased risk of stroke.

Haematology Laboratory:

This comprehensive laboratory with full UKAS accreditation provides the full range of diagnostic facilities required for tertiary paediatric haematology. It has an annual workload of 354,500 patient requests. The laboratories are staffed by a total of 25 WTE biomedical scientist and trainee biomedical scientists of an appropriate skill mix. Histopathology, immunophenotyping, molecular monitoring of minimal residual disease and cytogenetics for the diagnosis of paediatric haematological malignancies are performed at specialist regional laboratories in Southmead hospital. 

Haemostasis laboratory: 

The Haemostasis laboratory processes approximately 400 specimens daily comprising anticoagulation, general haemostasis, thrombophilia and specialist haemostasis investigations. The laboratory supports the specialist clinical haemostasis practice at UHBristol with a wide repertoire of specialist haemostasis investigations that are appropriate for the regional clinical haemostasis practice at UHBristol. The Haemostasis laboratory has now developed an active programme of clinical and translational coagulation and platelet biology research enables through major funding from the NIHR and British Heart Foundation.

Haemostasis Consultative Service: 

The department also provides a liaison haemostasis service to paediatric colleagues within UHBristol and other SW regional centres. This clinical work comprises the clinical evaluation of and advice on the management of patients with bleeding disorders, venous thrombosis and complex anticoagulation problems. Much of this clinical role involves close interaction with clinicians from the paediatric and neonatal intensive care and cardiac units within UHBristol.