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Treatments we offer

Areas of excellence

Transplantation of acute lymphoblastic and myeloid leukaemias, myelodysplasia, solid tumours requiring autografting, bone marrow failure syndromes (including Fanconi anaemia), adrenoleukodystrophy, metabolic diseases, osteopetrosis and haemophagocytic syndromes (HLH).

There is a particular expertise in the use of alternative donors including matched and mismatched unrelated donors, haploidentical (half-matched) parents and relatives, and cord blood donors. Detailed surveillance of patients during transplantation includes highly sensitive molecular testing for post-transplant viral infection and detailed, lineage-specific assessment of donor engraftment ("chimerism").

Further information

Specialist clinics are held both locally and throughout the South-west region. There is a specific long-term follow-up clinic for those who are further out from transplantation. Specific disease clinics also provide advice and general haematological management for acute and chronic leukaemias, bone marrow failure syndromes, adrenoleukodystrophy, Hurler syndrome and metabolic diseases.

There is close liaison with expert geneticists and laboratories providing genetic diagnosis and counselling in many of these areas.

Diagnostic Partners

Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) panel testing is available for the genes that cause osteopetrosis and for causes of anaemia, neutropenia (low blood neutrophil count), thrombocytopenia (low blood platelet count), pancytopenia (all blood counts reduced), bone marrow failure and genetic causes of myelodysplasia (MDS). Information on these can be accessed from Bristol Genetics Laboratory at the following links:


Treatments offered

The service has an international reputation for its pioneering work in transplantation for those lacking matched family donors, with more than 25 years of experience in this area. Services provided include assessment for suitability for transplantation, detailed patient and donor work-up investigations, transplantation in HEPA-filtered sterile rooms, immediate post-transplant aftercare (with cellular immunotherapy where required) and detailed long-term follow-up.