Paediatric BMT, Haematology & Oncology

Who we are
The Paediatric Haematology/Oncology programme in Bristol serves
the South West region (approximately 5.5m people) with 130 new
paediatric cancer patients diagnosed each year. There is an
extensive shared care network, and all areas of the specialty are
represented, including a developing teenage and young adult (TYA)
The Paediatric HSCT programme in Bristol is one of the largest
dedicated programmes in the UK and serves the entire South West
region, Cambridge and Norfolk and Northern Ireland. The programme
performs approximately 35 allogeneic transplants and 5-10
autologous transplants each year.
Our team comprises consultants, junior doctors, clinical nurse
specialists, APNPs, ward nurses, CLIC Sargent
out-reach nurses, dieticians, psychologists, pharmacists,
physiotherapists and MDT coordinators.
Shared Care Centres
We work in partnership with hospitals around the South West to
deliver chemotherapy and follow up where possible as close to
home (shared care). These hospitals are Gloucester Royal
Hospital, Royal United Hospital Bath, Musgrove Park Hospital
Taunton, Yeovil District Hospital, Royal Devon and Exeter Hospital,
Royal Cornwall Hospital Truro & Derriford Hospital
Clinical Trials
Clinical trials represent the gold standard for treating
children's cancer. Wherever possible, children and teenagers from
the south west are offered entry into relevant clinical trials.
Bristol is a recognized phase III trial centre and has open
trials in a wide range of childhood malignancies, pharmokinetic and
supportive care studies. It is one of small number of centres
nationwide who are accredited for paediatric early phase
clinical trials through the ITCC (Innovative Therapies in
Children's Cancer consortium). We are also a member of the
Paediatric ECMC network. All consultants are members of the
Children's Cancer and Leukaemia Group and SIOP Europe.