What do we do?
On referral, the person with Barth syndrome and their family or
partner is given an appointment for initial assessment by the
multidisciplinary team. Follow up reviews are held bi-annually for
children under five-years-old and then annually. Each attendance
provides the opportunity for review by the multidisciplinary team.
We aim for clinics to be approachable and friendly while delivering
high quality care. These clinics also provide patients and their
families the opportunity to ask questions and receive advice and
support around any issues they may have.
Between appointments there is ongoing email and telephone
support from the team during office hours to families and
professional involved in their care.
The team also provide and offer home and or school visits where
appropriate from specialist nursing, dietetic, psychology, social
worker, occupational therapy and physiotherapy. The service will
work with other agencies such as social care, education and other
health professionals when required so patients can access
appropriate care.
There is also the option of video reviews for those patients
unable to attend in person due to remote locations.