NHS National Barth Syndrome Service
Welcome to the NHS National Barth Syndrome Service.
We are a nationally commissioned highly specialised service
providing national and sometimes international care for children
and adults with Barth syndrome. The service was formally
established in April 2010, when funding was obtained from NHS
England and was the first of its kind in the world. Prior to this a
clinic for males affected by Barth syndrome had been run
informally in Bristol since 2004 in conjunction with the Barth
Syndrome Trust.
The Barth Syndrome Service aims to provide efficient, high
quality, multi-disciplinary care for the management of this complex
multisystem disease through a team that includes cardiology,
haematology, metabolic medicine and genetics with specialist
nursing, dietetic, social work, psychology, physiotherapy
and occupational therapy care.
We also work closely with many other services such as speech and
language and clinical biochemistry.