Hello, my name is Sam and I've just had an MRI scan.
Let me tell you what happened ...

Mum, dad and I had to go to the X-ray department. At the reception desk I had to tell them my name.
They said "hello Sam", and showed mum, dad and I where to sit.
The radiographer came to say hello and to ask us some special questions. The MRI scanner uses a big strong magnet to take pictures inside your body, so we had to take off anything with any metal on it and lock it away safely.
I'd worn a tracksuit which didn't have any metal on it so I didn't have to take off any clothes.

We all went into the room with the scanner in it. Mum and dad came too.
I gave the radiographer my CD so that I could listen to my favourite music while I was having my scan.
The radiographer made me nice and comfy on the special bed. I was having some pictures taken of my head so I had to put my head in something called a coil. It looks a bit like a space helmet and there's a window in the front to look through.

You might not have to lie in the space helmet, it depends on which part of your body they want to take pictures of.
What part of your body are the pictures going to be of?

Next, I went for a ride on the special bed. It's a bit scary at first but mum and dad were holding onto me all the time and I could listen to my favourite CD.
I had to lie very, very still whilst the machine was taking the pictures. It makes a funny drilling noise but it doesn't hurt at all.
I had to have a couple of different pictures taken, but they only take a few minutes each so it didn't take long. After that, because I'd kept nice and still I could get off the special bed and mum, dad and I went home.
I hope you enjoy your visit to the MRI scanner.