Your time in hospital
No one looks forward to going into hospital, but we want to do everything we can to make your time here as comfortable as possible. This ebook explains how the hospital is working to provide same-sex accommodation, which means you can chose to be treated where there are separate ward areas for boys and girls. The NHS makes clear that all patients have a right to privacy and to be treated with dignity and respect. We believe being able to provide the right sort of accommodation for you is an important part of ensuring you have the best possible experience while you're in hospital.
What is same-sex accommodation?
For a hospital to say that it has same-sex accommodation, it must be able to provide separate sleeping areas and toilet and washing facilities that are for males and females only. You could be in a single room or in a mixed ward where boys and girls are in separate bays or rooms. Toilet and washing facilities should be easy to get to, not a long way from your bed.

Is same-sex accommodation important?
When we have asked young people about this, some have told us that they would prefer to be with patients of the same age. Others have said they would feel happier with just boys or just girls. We want to make sure you are given the chance to make your personal choice where it is possible. When you are admitted to a ward you will be asked if you would prefer to have same-sex accommodation. Every effort will be made to make your choice possible. If at any point in your stay you change your mind, please tell us and we will try to help.

Will there be times when your choice of accommodation isn't possible?
Sometimes, the need for fast, effective treatment is greater
than the need to provide your choice of same-sex accommodation.
This might happen if you need urgent or specialised care. In this
situation you will be kept informed and moved into your choice of
same-sex accommodation when possible or as your condition
allows. To find out more, please ask the ward sister or
charge nurse or visit