Patient support group
The hospital has a regular patient support group. The group is
normally held on the first Monday of every other month but please
call to check the dates if it's your first time attending as
occasionally the date is changed. Previously we have had speakers
including a retinal consultant, a glaucoma consultant, RNIB, a
dietician, hospital managers and Age UK.
BEH Patients' Support Group offers support to all patients of
the hospital. Come and join us for an informal coffee morning.
You'll need to book, so please call Daria on 0117 342 9097 or
Mary on 0117 342 9098.
Bristol Eye Hospital regularly hosts events outside
events which are of interest to its patients.
Past events:
The Patient Information Service held tea for MD on behalf of the
Macular Society on the 23rd March. We raised £135.27