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Supportive care

The months following a diagnosis of a serious illness can be a very stressful time.

The staff at BHOC are to treat your illness and to ensure that you have the best quality of life possible in the months to come. Every healthcare worker you meet at the Centre will be aiming to provide good psychological care to you and the important people in your life. It is part of the job of every person working at the Centre to consider your emotional wellbeing, so if you do have particular concerns and wish to talk them through, please speak to any member of your healthcare team.

The clinical psychology department have produced a range of booklets and films.

These are available from the Cancer Information and Support Centre, as well as online.

Sometimes people feel that they would benefit from some extra support and information outside of their routine medical care. Many people obtain the support they need from family and friends, but even if this is so you may prefer to talk to someone neutral, who is not directly involved in your life and who may be more familiar with your illness.

We have staff specifically trained to support people affected by serious illness because we recognise that distress is a natural response to illness and its treatment.

The Cancer Information and Support Centre is a drop-in centre for anyone affected by cancer.

It offers a confidential service where you can access information or discuss how cancer is affecting your life. In addition to information about cancer and its treatments, you will be able to find information about sources of practical help and support to do with living with cancer. Information is available in different forms including leaflets, booklets, audio-cassettes, videos, DVDs and via the Internet. Find out more information about the Centre.

The Cancer Information and Support Centre is located next to the Main Reception on the ground floor.

Opening Times:

  • Monday - Thursday: 9:00am - 5:00pm
  • Friday: 9:00am - 4:30pm

Helpline: 0117 342 3369

Clinical psychologists work with people who are experiencing a variety of personal or relationship difficulties, sometimes in the context of medical illness.

There is a small team of clinical psychologists at BHOC to work with patients, and the important people in their lives. They can help if you are experiencing emotional or personal difficulties at any point during or after your illness.

Clinical psychologists are trained in helping people to achieve positive change for themselves, based on evidence about the links between behaviours, emotions, thoughts, relationships and the biological aspects of health and illness. They are not medically trained and do not give mental health diagnoses or provide medication. They mainly offer 'talking therapies' or they may introduce you to some practical techniques and strategies to help you with a specific problem, like poor sleep or feeling panicky. The help they offer is tailored to each individual and would depend very much on what you feel would be most useful to you.

If you think that you, or someone close to you, could benefit from speaking to a clinical psychologist, please ask one of your healthcare team to contact the department on your behalf.

Opening Times:

Monday-Friday, 9.00am to 5.00pm

Contact:  0117 342 1700