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The Bristol Haemophilia Centre provides 24-hour open access treatment and advice for people with haemophilia and related conditions. Bristol Haemophilia Centre is the only Comprehensive Care Centre (CCC) for Haemophilia in the South West.

CCCs are centres of excellence for haemophilia, and to become a CCC we had to pass a detailed audit of our services. There are regular reviews to check centres still meet these standards. We were re-audited in April 2019, and the auditors' view was that the Haemophilia Centre offers a, "Safe and very caring service. The multidisciplinary team work seamlessly across the paediatric and adult services in a co-operative, flexible and supportive way".

To access the Adult Bristol Haemophilia Centre please follow the signs from the main reception to location D701 on level 7 of the Bristol Haematology and Oncology Centre. The Children's Haemophilia Centre can be found on - level 6, The Ocean Unit, Bristol Royal Hospital for Children.

The haemophilia team also work with other specialities, including orthopaedics, hepatology (liver care), gynaecology, obstetrics (including pregnancy advice and counselling) and dental care.

We are part of the UK Haemophilia Centre Doctors' Organisation and the National Haemophilia Database. More information about the UKHCDO and database can be found on their website.

Adult patients

  • Contact the Haemophilia office on 0117 342 1873 (Monday - Friday, 9pm - 5pm) or email us on
  • Out-of-hours contact 0117 342 2011
  • Haemophilia nurses can be contacted on 0117 342 1872 or 07557564943
  • The haemophilia physiotherapist can be contacted on 0117 342 2245 or 0117 923 000 and bleep 3913


  • For the haemophilia nurse, please call 0117 342 8721 - (If there is no answer during the day please contact 0117 342 8145)
  • Night time and weekends, please call 0117 923 0000 and ask for the On call Registrar for Paediatric Oncology or go to the Accident and Emergency department, Bristol Royal Hospital for Children, telephone 0117 342 8666

If you are a GP, please bleep the paediatric oncology registrar on call.

More information about our Paedatric Haematology services can be found on our website here.

More information about transitioning and transfer to adult services can also be found our website here

Feeling unwell?

If you have a bleed and need to come to the centre for treatment, please telephone beforehand to let staff know you are coming. If you are not sure whether you have a bleed or need treatment, please telephone the centre for advice.

If you have an accident

You should go to the Accident and Emergency Department at the Bristol Royal Infirmary. Please show them your bleeding disorder card so that staff can be advised by the centre about treatment.

If you are admitted to another hospital

Please show them your bleeding disorder card so that staff can be advised by the centre about treatment.

Our Service

We provide a range of services for people with haemophilia, including:

  • Emergency treatment of bleeds
  • Regular assessments, reviews and screening
  • Physiotherapy
  • Genetic testing and counselling
  • Investigation of patients with bleeding and thrombotic disorders
  • Education for patients and carers
  • Support and counselling
  • Information and advice for health care professionals, employers and schools

Because many bleeding disorders are genetic conditions (i.e. passed down through families), you may be asked to come to the centre for testing if a member of your family has been diagnosed with a bleeding disorder. Most people with haemophilia are born with it, but in some cases people can develop acquired haemophilia.

Information for patients

A variety of information leaflets are available to download: 

Other leaflets are available, please speak to the haemophilia team.  

More information about haemophilia and other bleeding disorders, along with details on local support groups for your area, can be found here at the  UK Haemophilia Society