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Thalassaemia and rare inherited anaemia

Thalassaemia is the name for a group of inherited conditions that affect a substance in the blood called haemoglobin.

People with thalassaemia produce either no or too little haemoglobin, which is used by red blood cells to carry oxygen around the body. This can make them very anaemic (tired, short of breath and pale). It mainly affects people of Mediterranean, south Asian, southeast Asian and Middle Eastern origin.

Diagnosis we see/treat:

Thalassaemia(Beta Thalassaemia major, Beta Thalassaemia intermedia, Alpha Thalassaemia, Other Thalassaemia ie: HbH, HbE)

Rare inherited anaemias (RIA) are a subset of anaemias caused by a myriad of genetic defects affecting erythropoiesis stages or one red blood cell (RBC) component.

Other rare inherited anaemia (Diamond Blackfan Anaemia, ADA 2, Congenital Dyserythropoietic Anaemias (CDA) Type 1 (Type I, II, III, IV, VI) CDA Type other, Pyruvate Kinase Deficiency, Glucose Phosphate Isomerase Deficiency, Hexokinase Deficiency, Unstable Haemoglobin, Methaemoglobin, Pure Red Cell Aplasia, enzyme deficiencies, red cell membrane disorders, other rare anaemia - cause unknown)


Diagnosis we do not see/treat:

Possible alpha thalassaemia

Thalassaemia Trait/Carrier


Further information on Thalassaemia Trait/Carrier, possible Alpha, Alpha 0, Alpha + Thalassaemia

It's also possible to be a "carrier" of thalassaemia, also known as having the thalassaemia trait. Being a beta thalassaemia carrier will not generally cause any health problems, but there is a risk of having children with thalassaemia.

Alpha thalassaemia

Carrying alpha thalassaemia does not cause any illness. Most people who carry alpha thalassaemia do not know they have it. They only discover it when they have a specific blood test.

However, it can cause confusion, and, in some cases, it could affect the health of their children.

There are two types of alpha thalassaemia; alpha plus thalassaemia, which is harmless, and alpha zero thalassaemia which may have more serious implications. This information applies to both types.


If you, or one of your parents or grandparents, or any of your ancestors originally come from: Africa (this includes African Caribbeans, unless they have some Chinese ancestry), India, Pakistan, or Bangladesh, your alpha thalassaemia is harmless for you and your children.

You have a form of alpha thalassaemia called alpha plus thalassaemia. This is the mildest form of thalassaemia. It will never affect your health. You may pass it on to some of your children, but it will not affect their health. About 1 in 3 people originating from Africa or the Indian sub-continent carry alpha plus thalassaemia. In fact, it is normal for many people whose ancestors came from these areas to carry mild alpha thalassaemia. So, you should not worry about it.

It is useful for you to know that you carry alpha plus thalassaemia, because otherwise, when you have a blood test, doctors may think that you carry a more serious form of thalassaemia. This could worry you unnecessarily. Your alpha thalassaemia could also be mistaken for iron deficiency. In your case, iron deficiency can be diagnosed only by measuring your serum iron (ferritin) level.


If you carry alpha thalassaemia and you or your parents or grandparents, or any of your ancestors originally came from: Southeast Asia, China (this includes people of Chinese origin from Hong Kong, Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia), Thailand, Vietnam, Kampuchea/Cambodia, The Philippines, the Mediterranean area, Cyprus, Greece, Turkey, Southern Italy, the Middle East or if you do not know where your ancestors came from, or you are a North European, you could carry alpha zero thalassaemia, or you could carry alpha plus thalassaemia.

Alpha zero thalassaemia is uncommon. It does not cause any illness. However, it could be a problem for some of the children of people who carry it.

If both parents carry alpha zero thalassaemia, some of their babies could have a very severe anaemia. But if they know they both carry alpha zero thalassaemia they can avoid this risk.

If you carry alpha thalassaemia and you come from China or another part of Southeast Asia, the Mediterranean area or the Middle East, it may be important for you to find out which type of alpha thalassaemia you carry.

If you do not yet have a partner, remember that your alpha thalassaemia will not do you any harm. You need not do anything more now. Once you have a partner, take them for a blood test before you have children. If your partner does not have any type of thalassaemia, there is no risk for your children, and you have nothing to worry about. But if your partner's blood test result shows any unusual finding which might be associated with thalassaemia, you should see an expert in haemoglobin disorders for advice. Your GP can refer you to the local clinical genetics team for counselling. For Bristol, this team is based at St Michael's Hospital.


Clinical guidelines

Management of Thalassaemia in Adults


Patient leaflets

We have various patient information leaflets. Please contact us to find out more.

If you are looking for information on transition from paediatric to adult services, please visit our transition website.