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The Avon Haematology Unit (AHU) consists of an inpatient area (Ward D703 - was ward 62) and a day area.

The staff on AHU care for patients with malignant and non- malignant haematological conditions. These include leukaemia, lymphoma, sickle-cell disease, thalassamia and myeloproliferative disorders.

The day unit and the ward provide a variety of treatments such as chemotherapy, radiotherapy, and blood product support, including transfusions and stem cell transplantation. We have close links with the Bone Marrow Transplantation unit based at Bristol Royal Hospital for Children and the Apheresis Unit at BHOC.

Patients can refer themselves to the Unit if they are experiencing any problems or difficulties. There are a number of clinical nurse specialists and haemophilia nurse specialists who can offer advice and support.

We are available to answer your questions on the number below:
  • For Ward D703 and the Day Area, please call 0117 342 1862 (Monday - Sunday, all hours)