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Choice of treatment centre?

Location of care

Bristol PTC is closely linked with six TYA designated hospitals across the South West region, approved for providing specialist age-appropriate care for young people with cancer, to provide a network of specialist TYA cancer care and support. Depending on the type of cancer you have, it might be possible for you to have treatment at one of the designated hospitals closer to home.

Aged 16 to 18 years

If you are between 16 and 18 years of age you will be referred to the PTC in Bristol for your initial care, under an adult cancer team. It is sometimes possible for you to continue treatment locally, nearer to home, in partnership with one of our designated hospitals.

Aged 19-24 years

If you are between 19 and 24 years of age you should be offered the choice to receive treatment at the PTC in Bristol, or more locally in one of our regional designated hospitals. Your doctor or clinical nurse specialist (CNS) will be happy to discuss this with you, and if you would like them to, they can arrange a visit to the TYA unit at the PTC to see the facilities and meet the team. 

You may find our information booklet helpful when deciding where you would like to be treated.  

Some cancers may require treatment at specialist hospitals outside of the South West region, your team will discuss this with you and continue to support you while you are out of the area.

Read more about your options, and what you should expect from your care team.

Your information

It is important for you to know that some information about you and your diagnosis is stored safely in the National Cancer Registration and Analysis service. Click here to find out more.


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