Welcome to the Personalised Care and Support Service for
patients with a cancer diagnosis.
Personalised cancer care means providing patients with access to
care and support that meets their individual needs, from when they
receive their cancer diagnosis, so that they can live as full,
healthy and active a life as possible.
This can include helping people to access financial, emotional,
psychological and social support as well as providing them with
information on managing their lifestyle, treatments and therapies
The NHS Long Term
Plan for Cancer states that "by 2021, where
appropriate every person diagnosed with cancer will have access to
personalised care, including needs assessment, a care plan and
health and wellbeing information and support."
University Hospitals Bristol NHS Foundation Trust is working
towards offering these personalised care interventions to all
people with a cancer:
- Personalised Care and Support Planning
(based on holistic needs assessments) ensures people's physical,
practical, emotional and social needs are identified and addressed
at the earliest opportunity.
- End of Treatment Summaries provide both the
person and their GP with valuable information, including a detailed
summary of treatment completed, potential side effects, signs and
symptoms of recurrence and contact details to address any
- Primary Care Cancer Care Review is a
discussion between the person and their GP / primary care nurse
about their cancer journey. This helps the person to discuss any
concerns, and, if appropriate, to be referred to services or
signposted to information and support that is available in their
community and from charities.
- Health and Wellbeing Information and
Support includes the provision of accessible
information about emotional support, coping with side effects,
financial advice, getting back to work and making healthy lifestyle
choices. This support will be available before, during and after
cancer treatment.