Our team
Macmillan Cancer
Support Worker Team

We are the Macmillan Cancer Support Worker (CSW) team at
University Hospital Bristol and Weston NHS Foundation Trust. We
support people who have a cancer diagnosis, are currently
undergoing treatment and those patients who are living with or
beyond cancer. We are not clinical but we are trained in supporting
people with cancer.
We work with you to actively identify any concerns or worries
you may have. We offer practical, financial and emotional support
by providing information and signposting to support
We use a Holistic Needs Assessment to help you identify any
areas of concern you have following your cancer diagnosis. We
then work with you to address these concerns through the provision
of tailored information and support. We focus on you as a whole,
not just your illness. We understand that knowing what support is
available is crucial in making things easier for you. For more
information about the Holistic Needs Assessment, please click on
the 'What's available' tab.
We will support you through face to face meetings, over the
telephone or via email
As well as supporting you on an individual basis, we run and
support three Health and Wellbeing Sessions which are free and
easily accessible online. We can also be found in the
the Cancer Information and Support Centre based on Level 4, Bristol
Haematology and Oncology Hospital.
We support people with cancer across all the hospital sites;
Bristol Haematology and Oncology Centre, Weston General Hospital,
St Michael's Hospital, Bristol Royal Infirmary, Bristol Dental
Hospital, Bristol Eye Hospital and South Bristol Community
You can contact the team Monday to Friday, 9am to 4pm through
the following methods:
Bristol Cancer Support
Worker Team
Telephone: 0117 34 21526
Email: macmillansupport@uhbw.nhs.uk

Cancer Information and Support
Level 4, Bristol Haematology and
Oncology Centre
As part of the Personalised Care and Support Team at Weston
General Hospital we have Macmillan Cancer Support Workers who work
alongside our specialist nurses and consultants. They support
people who have a cancer diagnosis, are currently undergoing
treatment and those patients who are living with or beyond
Macmillan Cancer Support Workers actively work with patients and
carers to identify and address any worries or concerns after a
cancer diagnosis, helping individuals to take control of their care
and to live well.
Support is available face-to-face, over the telephone or via
email. Alternatively they can be found in our Macmillan Support
Centre. Our team picture and contact details is located
Weston Cancer Support Worker
Telephone: 01934 881 078 or
01934 881 079
Email: WGHMacmillanSupportCentre@uhbw.nhs.uk

Macmillan Support
First Floor, Weston General
Grange Road, Uphill
Weston-super-Mare, BS23
If you would like to be referred to the Macmillan Cancer Support
Worker Team please speak to your Clinical Nurse Specialist. If you
are unsure who this is, please contact the support workers directly
and they will be able to confirm this for you and see how they can