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About us
The clinical trials unit (CTU) has been operational since 1993 and currently manages over 250+ clinical trials or studies.
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Who's who in CTU
We are a dynamic integrated team consisting of research managers, trial coordinators, data coordinators, research nurses, research radiographers and clinical trials officers.
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What is a clinical trial or research study?
Clinical Trials or research studies usually aim to find out if a new treatment or procedure works more effectively than the currently used treatment.
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Clinical trials open at BHOC
Find out what clinical trials or research studies are currently open and recruiting here at BHOC
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Participating in a clinical trial
Many different types of people take part in clinical trials. Find out more about what is involved in taking part in a clinical trial, why people participate and some experiences of taking part in a clinical trial.
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CTU news
Read the latest news from the CTU team.
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